Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Handbook of Nature Study

So, last night, I ordered the Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Comstock. I'm planning on using it along with the activities from the Outdoor Hour website in our nature studies as suggested by the writer of Outdoor Hour. I also ordered some field guides to supplement based on her suggestions. I purchased everything at and came away with a lot of books for a low price :) I am so excited! Last week, Brett and I went on a nature walk, which I'll be posting under our outdoor hour link, and we had the best time! I can hardly wait to get started and really focus in on specific details. I even bought a basic art book to assist in sketching things we see into my journal. Brett isn't really old enough yet for that kind of drawing, but it will help me teach him when he is. For now, I'll write what he says and let him draw his best version of what he chooses to focus on. Anyway, I just wanted to share about the books we are getting...I'll take pictures of them and post them when they arrive!

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