"VOM is an amazing organization that is dedicated to bringing the Gospel to the areas of our world where Christianity is illegal. Places like China, North Korea, Egypt, India, the Middle East, Colombia etc...There are many, many ways in which one can be involved in this ministry. You can choose to send Bibles through Bibles Unbound to these countries that will be used in underground church settings or passed page by page among families and friends. You can choose to send blankets that will be given to people along with recorded salvation messages. You can send care packages and other forms of outreach. Once you make a contribution of some kind, you will receive the newsletter in the mail...the stories will make you weep. Dearest Friends, we take so much for granted...when was the last time you memorized a whole section of scripture because if you didn't commit it to memory you would never be able to "read" it again? When was the last time you had to flee from your home because you were under attack for your faith? Have you ever been beaten, kidnapped, or brutalized just because you won't deny your faith? Have you ever had to rip pages of a Bible out just so you could learn and study the Word? You can't even begin to imagine some of the horrors that these men, women and children face. These Christians risk everything for the religious freedom we have and yet we choose to hide it on a daily basis!!!! How many times have we heard someone ridicule Christians, or make an inappropriate comment and we've kept silent? How many times have we allowed ourselves to become caught up in worldly things or situations? How many times have we like Peter, denied Christ...even unintentionally...just because we have been afraid of what others might think, or we didn't want to offend someone? May I just point out that there are a LOT of people in this country that offend Christians by trying to remove God from everything our country stands for??!!! They don't care that they offend people and it is for a totally WRONG cause! Why should we care what people think!? We have the freedom to share our faith freely! Who knows how long it will last. I urge you to lift up these brothers and sisters of ours who are standing up to their governments and saying, "I worship the TRUE AND LIVING GOD!" They are giving their very lives for Him! Pray that God will flood those persecuted regions with His Word and that millions will come to know Him as their Savior. Pray that the hearts of these nations will change so drastically that persecution is nonexistent. Pray that God will supernaturally hedge in and protect those involved in proclaiming Christ in these areas. Then, check out the VOM website...get involved if you feel God leading you in that direction. Its an extremely worthwhile and meaningful ministry."
I apologize for the length of this post, but I really feel like I needed to share with you why this ministry means so much to me. Here are some pictures of the newsletter you get...VOM and KOC come together, but you must request the Kids of Courage one specifically. (due to the length of this, I'm going to share about the actual VOM newsletter in another post)

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