Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kids of Courage/VOM (part 2)

This is another publication put out through Kids of Courage...the Bold Believers series. They are really neat because they focus on a country in depth. Inside you will find geography facts, history and current events facts, religion and culture facts. There are stories with activities, crossword puzzles and other activities. They are geared to a child that is a little bit older, but can easily be adapted for young learners as well.

Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter...

In Every issue you will find stories of persecution, stories of hope in spite of the way the Christians in a given country are treated, updates on missionaries, pastors and other people who have been featured in articles, etc... They are such a testament to the FAITH that these Christians live out daily! We sit so secure in our warm homes with NO FEAR, NO THREAT of danger...why exactly are we all not out there on the front lines?! Why are we not down on our knees daily pleading with the Father on behalf of these brothers and sisters of ours? I pray that you will read and that once your eyes have been opened you will not be able to pretend to not know what to do.

"...once our eyes are opened,we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act." ~Proverbs 24:12

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