Brett is so happy because he is officially a Kindergarten Graduate! We made him a little diploma and did a little ceremony. Then we let him pick what he wanted to do all day. We started with a graduation gift (A Disney Car) then lunch at McDonald's, a cookie from the bakery in the mall, swimming and all this followed up with dinner at The Olive Garden. It was a wonderful way to spend the day. He can't wait to start first grade :) I am happy to know that he likes school and wants to start up again. (We can't officially start counting days for first grade until July 1.)
He also just wrapped up a week at a local day camp where we live and LOVED it! He went every day from 8:30 until 4pm. They did Bible study each morning, followed by crafts, games, canoeing, bb guns, archery, lake swimming, hiking, etc...It was a really great experience for him and he has already said he can hardly wait until next summer to go again :)
Here are some pictures of the graduation day and camp...