Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Handbook of Nature Study
So, last night, I ordered the Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Comstock. I'm planning on using it along with the activities from the Outdoor Hour website in our nature studies as suggested by the writer of Outdoor Hour. I also ordered some field guides to supplement based on her suggestions. I purchased everything at and came away with a lot of books for a low price :) I am so excited! Last week, Brett and I went on a nature walk, which I'll be posting under our outdoor hour link, and we had the best time! I can hardly wait to get started and really focus in on specific details. I even bought a basic art book to assist in sketching things we see into my journal. Brett isn't really old enough yet for that kind of drawing, but it will help me teach him when he is. For now, I'll write what he says and let him draw his best version of what he chooses to focus on. Anyway, I just wanted to share about the books we are getting...I'll take pictures of them and post them when they arrive!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sorting and fine motor skills
Brett was working on sorting skills...he got out his beads and first sorted by shape, then by color. He had great fun...he said he built a city...

Fine motor skills...we always try to work on these. He practices cutting, tracing lines, threading beads onto laces, etc...all very good at strengthening his little wrist muscles for his writing.
This is a cool book he's working choose a picture, peel away parts of it to reveal a sticky surface, then you choose your colors strips from the back, snip them into tiny pieces (there's the fine motor part) then you take the snips and put them on the sticky to fill it in. He really likes them!

This is a cool book he's working choose a picture, peel away parts of it to reveal a sticky surface, then you choose your colors strips from the back, snip them into tiny pieces (there's the fine motor part) then you take the snips and put them on the sticky to fill it in. He really likes them!

End of week One

I'm just now posting about this, (six weeks into school!) but Brett had a great first week! As a treat, he got a new Disney Car Launcher set. He was ecstatic!! I just figured, you only start school once in your whole life and the end of the first week was a big accomplishment :) We are so proud of him!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Titus 2
There is a website, Titus 2, that is listed in the sidebar to the right, that you really should check out. On this site, you will meet the Maxwell family. They are a homeschooling family with eight, yes you read that right, eight children. Anyway, their family creed, if you will, is centered around the second chapter of Titus in the Bible. They are firm in their beliefs, a few of which I don't agree with, but the majority of which I do.
What they are most know for is a book they have written called, Manager's of Their Homes. It has to do with scheduling and prioritizing things in your life. Everything is centered around Christ, prayer and allowing God to lead you to what your day needs to look like. It is fabulous!
Terri Maxwell says in the book that as a mother of 8 she had no choice but to learn how to prioritize and schedule, or nothing would be accomplished. However, it is just as applicable to the homeschooling mother of one that I am, as it is to the non-homeschooling family.
This book lays out in a step by step method exactly how to create a God driven schedule for your family. An absolute must for a "free spirited" mom who would much rather be on the go and who is trying to figure out how school fits in somewhere in the day. Through Terri's guidelines, (and a little help from my own mom!) not to mention much prayer, I've learned how to create a schedule that believe it or not, actually frees me and Brett to have more time for fun in the day! In the two weeks we have implemented our schedule, I've gotten more accomplished each day than I ever thought possible. Housework is done, Brett is learning to do chores and be diligent in his work, laundry is up to date, errands are completed and I'm not constantly trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. (Here is where I have to insert an apology to my Mom, who is the queen of organization, that I finally see what you've been telling me for years! Sorry it took so long for this disorganized daughter to see the light!) Seriously though, organization can be your friend!!!
By now you are probably wondering if I'm getting some kind of kick back for my rave reviews...I assure you I am not :) I'm just a regular girl who has finally figured out how liberating a schedule can be. I highly recommend checking out this book if you can.
They offer other books as well, Managers of Their Chores and Managers of Their Schools. I bought (and have read) all of them. I didn't care for the school one as they stress the use of textbooks and that is not the route we are going. It's definitely written for the textbook using family. However, the chores book is great. Their beliefs on some things (more of a mostly work and little play thought process) are a bit over the top for me, but all in all its very helpful.
It covers learning how to set up chores for your children, teaching them to become diligent, having a servant's heart, learning to respect what God has blessed them with and discovering what age certain chores become appropriate. We are using their Chore Pack system and so far it has been great!
Sorry for the long post, but I just had to share these great books with you :)
What they are most know for is a book they have written called, Manager's of Their Homes. It has to do with scheduling and prioritizing things in your life. Everything is centered around Christ, prayer and allowing God to lead you to what your day needs to look like. It is fabulous!
Terri Maxwell says in the book that as a mother of 8 she had no choice but to learn how to prioritize and schedule, or nothing would be accomplished. However, it is just as applicable to the homeschooling mother of one that I am, as it is to the non-homeschooling family.
This book lays out in a step by step method exactly how to create a God driven schedule for your family. An absolute must for a "free spirited" mom who would much rather be on the go and who is trying to figure out how school fits in somewhere in the day. Through Terri's guidelines, (and a little help from my own mom!) not to mention much prayer, I've learned how to create a schedule that believe it or not, actually frees me and Brett to have more time for fun in the day! In the two weeks we have implemented our schedule, I've gotten more accomplished each day than I ever thought possible. Housework is done, Brett is learning to do chores and be diligent in his work, laundry is up to date, errands are completed and I'm not constantly trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. (Here is where I have to insert an apology to my Mom, who is the queen of organization, that I finally see what you've been telling me for years! Sorry it took so long for this disorganized daughter to see the light!) Seriously though, organization can be your friend!!!
By now you are probably wondering if I'm getting some kind of kick back for my rave reviews...I assure you I am not :) I'm just a regular girl who has finally figured out how liberating a schedule can be. I highly recommend checking out this book if you can.
They offer other books as well, Managers of Their Chores and Managers of Their Schools. I bought (and have read) all of them. I didn't care for the school one as they stress the use of textbooks and that is not the route we are going. It's definitely written for the textbook using family. However, the chores book is great. Their beliefs on some things (more of a mostly work and little play thought process) are a bit over the top for me, but all in all its very helpful.
It covers learning how to set up chores for your children, teaching them to become diligent, having a servant's heart, learning to respect what God has blessed them with and discovering what age certain chores become appropriate. We are using their Chore Pack system and so far it has been great!
Sorry for the long post, but I just had to share these great books with you :)
The Boxcar Children
This was our first "sonlight" book to read and Brett LOVED it! We finished it W-A-Y ahead of schedule because he just wouldn't let me stop reading! We are going to fill time until the next novel with Magic Treehouse and Amelia Bedelia. Brett loved learning new vocabulary words and ways of speaking from the characters in the story.
For those of you not familiar with the story, its about four children who are orphaned and afraid to go live with their grandfather. They run away and find an abandoned boxcar that they turn into their home. It is a delightful story and Brett is excited to know that we are going to go the library and check out other books from the series to read.
In other news...School has gone really well for us, considering we are so new to this. Brett is enjoying his work and we are having a lot of fun which is important. We've had some days where not much has gone according to schedule and some days where its been perfectly orchestrated, but I guess that is the nature of the beast in a classroom or at home :) We definitely are settling into a routine and I'm happy about that.
I will say that outside of school life in general has been a bit seems our family has been hit with lots of drama concerning people we care about, ever since the first couple of days of school. It's almost like Satan said, "Okay, let's hit her with a bunch of garbage and maybe they'll give in, pack the kid up and send him to school." Well, I've got news for him - I don't give up on what I know God is wanting from us that easily! I've been fighting back with all the scripture I can think of and the Enemy is NOT going to steal, kill or destroy the plans God has laid for our family, nor is he going to take away the joy the Spirit of Jesus puts in my heart!
Okay, I feel better now, thanks for giving me a moment :)The weather is cooling off and we are excited to start our nature study in the next couple of weeks or so...check out the link in the sidebar "Our Family's Outdoor Hour" later in the month and you can see what we are doing.
For those of you not familiar with the story, its about four children who are orphaned and afraid to go live with their grandfather. They run away and find an abandoned boxcar that they turn into their home. It is a delightful story and Brett is excited to know that we are going to go the library and check out other books from the series to read.
In other news...School has gone really well for us, considering we are so new to this. Brett is enjoying his work and we are having a lot of fun which is important. We've had some days where not much has gone according to schedule and some days where its been perfectly orchestrated, but I guess that is the nature of the beast in a classroom or at home :) We definitely are settling into a routine and I'm happy about that.
I will say that outside of school life in general has been a bit seems our family has been hit with lots of drama concerning people we care about, ever since the first couple of days of school. It's almost like Satan said, "Okay, let's hit her with a bunch of garbage and maybe they'll give in, pack the kid up and send him to school." Well, I've got news for him - I don't give up on what I know God is wanting from us that easily! I've been fighting back with all the scripture I can think of and the Enemy is NOT going to steal, kill or destroy the plans God has laid for our family, nor is he going to take away the joy the Spirit of Jesus puts in my heart!
Okay, I feel better now, thanks for giving me a moment :)The weather is cooling off and we are excited to start our nature study in the next couple of weeks or so...check out the link in the sidebar "Our Family's Outdoor Hour" later in the month and you can see what we are doing.
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