Okay, back to the topic....Out of the box comes a Teacher's Guide. I'm in love already! Next, the inserts for the guide...woo hoo! Then, I reach in and begin pulling out book after book...I'm talking about good stuff here! The Boxcar Children, The Light at Tern Rock, Mary on Horseback, Johnny Appleseed, The Story of William Tell, The Hundred Dresses, The Usborne Book of Living Long Ago, The Usborne's Internet Linked Children's Encyclopedia, The Family Under the Bridge, The Adventures of Winnie The Pooh, Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes....it goes on and on. There are so many! I think 24 or 25 in all. Not to mention the K level readers for Brett to begin sounding out words and reading. Then out comes a fully laminated GIGANTIC foldable map of the U.S. on one side and World Map on the other side. We also received a book called "The Book of Time". It is an empty timeline to chart events on as we study them...pretty cool.
I seriously think I need an intervention at this point, I'm so excited!

I am thanking God right now that we chose Sonlight...I can't think of a better fit for us!